Isnin, Januari 28, 2013
Ahad, Januari 27, 2013
Sheikh Hussain Yee (playlist)
Jazakallahu Khair Ya sheikh Hussein Yee,
May Allah Azzawajal bless you,
(PART 2)
Published on Jan 26, 2013
Liputan oleh Malaysia Hari Ini (rancangan MHI TV3)
tentang pameran seni 6x6 inci Artgeng Malaysia di Matic
Jalan Ampang Kuala Lumpur.
Jalan Ampang Kuala Lumpur.
(PART 1)
Published on Jan 26, 2013
Liputan oleh Malaysia Hari Ini (rancangan MHI TV3)
26.1.2013 tentang pameran seni 6x6 inci Artgeng Malaysia
di Matic Jalan Ampang Kuala Lumpur.
26.1.2013 tentang pameran seni 6x6 inci Artgeng Malaysia
di Matic Jalan Ampang Kuala Lumpur.
Sabtu, Januari 12, 2013
Thursday 10 January 2013

Last Update 11 January 2013 12:31 pm
TABUK: Residents of this northwestern region went picnicking yesterday in scenic mountains and other spots that were covered in a sheet of white as Tabuk received its annual snowfall since Tuesday.
Visitors from outside the region as well as locals were enjoying the rare snowfall. Roads, especially those leading to Mount Allouz, were thronged with cars.
Visitors from outside the region as well as locals were enjoying the rare snowfall. Roads, especially those leading to Mount Allouz, were thronged with cars.
While security, traffic and health authorities were present in different locations to organize traffic and provide necessary services, Tabuk’s traffic director, Brig. Muhammad bin Ali Al-Najjar, cautioned picnikers against driving up the steep, slippery mountain roads. He also called on drivers to abide by speed limits and communicate with the authorities for assistance or information.
Traffic patrols are present on these roads to organize traffic and provide assistance to those who need it, he said.
The Civil Defense spokesman in Tabuk, Brig. Mamdouh Al-Enizi, advised residents to avoid valleys and stay away from flood courses, and not to climb high, snow-covered places.
The Health Affairs Department in Tabuk has deployed fully equipped ambulance teams in these areas.
Roads leading to the desert and mountainous areas in Tabuk were congested with cars coming from the city and the towns of Haql and Bada. Rain fell in several of the region’s towns yesterday.

SABIC keen to go global to share its success story

Saturday 12 January 2013
Last Update 11 January 2013 9:39 pm
Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) is boosting its communications strategies to tell its story in a powerful and compelling way across the globe.
SABIC recently announced the selection of The Interpublic Group as its global communications agency partner of record to support all areas of communications including, amongst others, advertising, media, public relations, design, web marketing branding, brand activation and other projects such as event management and sponsorships, etc.
The decision follows an extensive six-month, competitive review process in which SABIC invited IPG, Omnicom, Publicis and WPP to participate. The approach reflects the importance of having globally unified corporate communications services operating with a single voice in all global geographies via best in class talent across the globe, to help ensure the company’s brand is brought to life in the most effective and differentiated way, articulating its strategic goals.
Commenting on subject strategic move, Samir Al-Abdrabbuh, vice president, SABIC Corporate Communications, said: “Whilst all invited global agencies are respected leaders of the field in their own right, a fair and rigorous technical and commercial evaluation and procurement process resulted in the selection of IPG as SABIC’s strategic global ‘one-stop shop’ communications agency partner, and the team is best positioned to take us to the next level — strengthening and leveraging our brand worldwide.”
“We have very high expectations as we seek to power our communications strategies to tell the SABIC story in a powerful and compelling way across the globe,” he added.
Al-Abdrabbuh said: “Interpublic presented a strong consolidated business approach that will serve our entire spectrum of communications activities.”
Michael Roth, chairman and CEO of IPG, said: “We are honored that SABIC has decided to place its trust in our ability to deliver the highest standard of communications services on a global basis.”
Roth said, “We will be providing our services through a new IPG strategic business unit that reports to me with core strategic services accessing the best of talent across the group.”
“Key staff for this new unit will come from McCann Worldgroup’s business-to-business specialist, McCann Enterprise and Weber Shandwick, among others. This will bring SABIC best-in-class agency talent, coupled with strong resources easily accessible wherever they are in the world on a 24/7 basis. The whole team is thrilled with the win after such a comprehensive and competitive process and we look forward to kicking off the work,” Roth added.
SABIC announced its intention to put the account up for review in July 2012, when it invited the four largest global agency groups that met specific criteria to participate in the process. SABIC ranks among the world’s top petrochemical companies. The company is among the world’s market leaders in the production of polyethylene, polypropylene and other advanced thermoplastics, glycols, methanol and fertilizers.
SABIC recently announced the selection of The Interpublic Group as its global communications agency partner of record to support all areas of communications including, amongst others, advertising, media, public relations, design, web marketing branding, brand activation and other projects such as event management and sponsorships, etc.
The decision follows an extensive six-month, competitive review process in which SABIC invited IPG, Omnicom, Publicis and WPP to participate. The approach reflects the importance of having globally unified corporate communications services operating with a single voice in all global geographies via best in class talent across the globe, to help ensure the company’s brand is brought to life in the most effective and differentiated way, articulating its strategic goals.
Commenting on subject strategic move, Samir Al-Abdrabbuh, vice president, SABIC Corporate Communications, said: “Whilst all invited global agencies are respected leaders of the field in their own right, a fair and rigorous technical and commercial evaluation and procurement process resulted in the selection of IPG as SABIC’s strategic global ‘one-stop shop’ communications agency partner, and the team is best positioned to take us to the next level — strengthening and leveraging our brand worldwide.”
“We have very high expectations as we seek to power our communications strategies to tell the SABIC story in a powerful and compelling way across the globe,” he added.
Al-Abdrabbuh said: “Interpublic presented a strong consolidated business approach that will serve our entire spectrum of communications activities.”
Michael Roth, chairman and CEO of IPG, said: “We are honored that SABIC has decided to place its trust in our ability to deliver the highest standard of communications services on a global basis.”
Roth said, “We will be providing our services through a new IPG strategic business unit that reports to me with core strategic services accessing the best of talent across the group.”
“Key staff for this new unit will come from McCann Worldgroup’s business-to-business specialist, McCann Enterprise and Weber Shandwick, among others. This will bring SABIC best-in-class agency talent, coupled with strong resources easily accessible wherever they are in the world on a 24/7 basis. The whole team is thrilled with the win after such a comprehensive and competitive process and we look forward to kicking off the work,” Roth added.
SABIC announced its intention to put the account up for review in July 2012, when it invited the four largest global agency groups that met specific criteria to participate in the process. SABIC ranks among the world’s top petrochemical companies. The company is among the world’s market leaders in the production of polyethylene, polypropylene and other advanced thermoplastics, glycols, methanol and fertilizers.
Selasa, Januari 01, 2013
Selalunya bila dah dapat duduk rumah baru, mesti korang tak tahu nak letak apa kat dinding rumah korang kan? Kalau tidak diletak bingkai gambar mesti korang biarkan kosong je kan. Kat sini seorang artis seni lukisan dari Britain Charlotte Mann telah membuat sesuatu yang sangat unik dan lain dari yang lain dengan melukis dinding rumah dengan lukisan mural yang sangat unik dan cantik mengisi ruang dinding rumah. Jom tengok !

Charlotte Mann at work

Wall Drawing for Clariant International, Basel, Detail, 2010, black marker pen on wall and doors, 2.6 x 15 metres

India Knight’s Wall, 2008
High Holborn House Wall Drawing, 2009
Cube P.R., 2007, black marker pen on white emulsion paint wall, 2.5 x 2 metres
The School of Life, Detail, 2008, black marker pen on white emulsion paint wall, 2 x 2o metres
Lukisan medium dakwah
Lukisan medium dakwah

Abd. Ghafur Tahir (kanan) bersama anaknya yang banyak membantu beliau pada Karnival Kesenian Islam anjuran Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), baru-baru ini.
Ini jelas terbukti sebagaimana firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: Sesungguhnya kamilah yang menurunkan al-Quran, dan sesungguhnya kami benar-benar memeliharanya. (al-Hijr: 9)
Pelbagai seni dan reka bentuk kreatif kian dihasilkan oleh umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Terbaru, insan bertuah terpilih, Abd. Ghafur Tahir membuktikan bakat yang dikurniakan apabila berjaya menghasilkan lukisan kaligrafi ayat al-Quran terbesar di dunia.
Menjadikan misi mengajak masyarakat untuk mengenal dan memahami al-Quran sebagai perjuangan hidup, pemilik Galeri Art Ghafur itu sentiasa memikirkan usaha untuk menghasilkan rekaan kreatif sebagai landasan bagi menarik minat umat Islam mendekati al-Quran.
Usaha murninya akhirnya diperkenankan oleh Allah SWT apabila beliau kini sedang menyempurnakan lukisan kaligrafi ayat al-Quran terbesar bersaiz 7x10 kaki itu yang kesemuanya dianggarkan sebanyak 604 helai lukisan ayat al-Quran.
"Sejak mula dihasilkan pada dua tahun lalu, sebanyak 30 helai lukisan telah berjaya disiapkan iaitu merangkumi juzuk pertama dan kedua dalam surah al-Quran.
"Setiap helaian ayat al-Quran yang dihasilkan menggunakan warna akrilik di atas kanvas itu semuanya dihasilkan dengan corak dan rekaan lukisan berbeza yang mempunyai mesej tersendiri untuk disampaikan kepada masyarakat.
"Untuk menghasilkan lukisan ayat al-Quran ini bukan mudah kerana ia memerlukan penumpuan dan ilham idea yang perlu disempurnakan segera. Setiap sehelai lukisan tersebut perlu diselesaikan dalam tempoh kurang daripada lapan jam," katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar sempena Karnival Kesenian Islam anjuran Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), di sini, baru-baru ini.
Karnival yang berlangsung selama tiga hari itu turut mempamerkan 50 lukisan pelbagai saiz berkonsep Islam dan ketuhanan karya milik Ghafur.
Selain itu, karnival bertemakan Solusi Muzik dan Kaligrafi itu turut menyediakan pelbagai aktiviti lain termasuk pameran kaligrafi, marhaban, kelas latihan alat muzik dan kutipan tabung dana bantuan untuk Palestin.
Ghafur berkata, setiap helaian lukisan kaligrafi ayat al-Quran tersebut menggunakan seni khat berbeza iaitu khat nasakh, thuluth, rik'ah, farsi, diwani dan kufi.
Medium dakwah
Ghafur yang tidak pernah mempelajari, apatah lagi mengetahui seni kaligrafi bernekad menghasilkan sesuatu kelainan dalam penghasilan nafkah al-Quran kerana didorong oleh semangatnya yang mendalam.
Sehinggalah pada 2010, terlintas difikirannya untuk merealisasikan cita-cita yang dibina sejak 10 tahun lalu untuk menghasilkan naskah al-Quran dengan gaya kontemporari dan tersendiri.
"Hobi saya ialah melukis sejak kecil lagi. Tetapi mula aktif menceburi bidang ini sejak 2007. Namun, kebanyakannya adalah lukisan berbentuk abstrak," ujarnya.
Beliau berkata, bukan bertujuan untuk mengaut keuntungan, tetapi lukisan ayat al-Quran tersebut diharap menjadi landasan baginya untuk memanfaatkan bakat yang dikurnia bagi berdakwah dan mengajak orang ramai kepada Islam.
"Mengaplikasikan gabungan khat menggunakan warna yang segar dan seni kontemporari dalam versi abstrak diharap dapat menarik perhatian orang ramai yang memandang terhadap keindahan kesenian Islam.
"Saya berharap menerusi kaedah lukisan seni kaligrafi ayat al-Quran ini dapat mengembalikan kegemilangan al-Quran dan menarik minat masyarakat seluruh dunia terhadap kitab suci Allah SWT ini," katanya.
Tambahnya, untuk menghasilkan reka bentuk lukisan itu bukan hanya memerlukan pengalaman dan kreativiti, malah menuntut kepada ketulusan dan keikhlasan pelukis.
Dibantu oleh seorang pelukis dari Pakistan, In'am dan empat lagi anak lelakinya, beliau kini menyasarkan untuk menyempurnakan lukisan kaligrafi ayat al-Quran tersebut pada 2015.
Bagaimanapun, beliau berharap sumbangan daripada pelbagai pihak dalam memberikan bantuan untuk menampung perbelanjaan kos menyempurnakan lukisan nafkah al-Quran yang bernilai RM1.2 juta.
Orang ramai yang ingin memberi sumbangan boleh berbuat demikian dengan menemui Ghafur di Galeri Art Ghafur, Ruang Legar Space U8, Shah Alam.
sumber: Lukisan medium dakwah
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